Do you often forget to moisturize and care for your body? The bad news is that your skin is probably sick of you, especially the neglected parts of your body.
When it comes to skin care, the neck is often the loser. Most people tend to stop at the face, which is not a good idea. Long-term neglect of the neck results in dry, flabby skin.
It’s not where you flash the most. While you may not be as frequently confronted with your elbows, many others are. The best way to start is with a good moisturizer that nourishes and strengthens your skin.
Exfoliate first, then moisturize.
You step on them every day, so take proper care of them. Give them a tasty foot bath and a greasy foot cream before bedtime.
When caring for the skin, it is important to have both a nourishing and strengthening moisturizer available. A-Dermas Xeramega Confort Cream is an effective and soothing cream for dry and very dry skin.
Hands are underrated. Hands are one of the first things others notice when making a good first impression. And not just the look. Also, how you feel when shaking hands can influence how others perceive you. So give your hands a loving ‘hand’.