1. Is there a breeze? There are many ways to prevent your hair from curling. It is therefore prudent to use an elastic band. A hat. A shawl. Yes, it is best to stay inside…
2. You can’t get a cheaper haircut at a hairdressing school. You won’t be able to tame your hair without technical skill (and patience).
3. Brushing your hair is a real struggle. Curls are like big filtered knots that REFUSE to be weakened…
4. If you’re forced to brush your hair when it’s dry, expect a giant microphone hair. So you quickly learned it was only possible in the bath. With a lot of conditioner!
5. Maintaining healthy curls is expensive! Why must curl products be so exorbitantly priced?!
6. Your hair will ALWAYS be cut shorter than you request. Despite your warnings that your wet, smooth hair will curl up when dried…
7. Speaking of the hairdresser, you always leave looking like a poodle dog. To celebrate your curly mane, they lavish it with foam, hair dryer, and curl products.
8. You have no control over the countless baby hairs bristling everywhere. Unless you use a whole can of hairspray, in which case your baby hair will revolt!
9. Smoothing curly yarn takes 400 years and a bottle of heat protection… When you do, even the slightest moisture in the air will cause it to curl.
10. If you’ve had your hair up for a few hours, expect it to stay up for the rest of the day… It’s impossible to avoid the elastic leaving a clear edge around the hair.
11. Your hair curls differently in different weather. It is rare that a perfect curl day on a sunny Tuesday is followed by a perfect curl day…